Roger W. Temple Intermediate kicks off year with annual ‘Dinner and a Show’

Students perform on stage while guests enjoy a meal in nearby seats.
Roger W. Temple Intermediate’s annual “Dinner and a Show” finally took place after a two-year break in Rosemead. The event, which is organized by middle school students, had been put off due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
On Feb. 24th and 25th, guests attended the student-run show despite the pouring rain.
At “Dinner and a Show,” in which proceeds help fund future performing arts projects, students play the roles of performers, servers, and more. Guests enjoyed a three-course meal, which was catered to and served by students.
Since its first successful run in 2012, the event has become an annual tradition for the middle school, with several departments joining together to prepare for the event.
“Dinner and a Show is the culmination of all of our arts programs at Temple,” George G. Woo, the Director of Music at Temple Intermediate, said. “The most important thing we want our students to take away from our program is the feeling of being a part of something bigger than themselves, and I think the students understand that very well. The art, choir, drama, and band students practice for weeks to polish their acts for the two big nights.”
As the comeback year for Temple Intermediate’s “Dinner and a Show,” students were excited to perform in front of a live audience. The show had nearly 24 solo and ensemble performances from just the choir and band students alone.
“We want our students to come out of their shells,” Temple Intermediate drama director and event coordinator Christopher Spitler said. “Without our students there would be no show. The students are the ones who put together everything: from the set to the performance, lighting, and sound. They are their own production crew.”
Alumnus Anthony Gallegos said he came back to see the events of his former middle school because it reminded him of the performances he put on years ago.
“I remember when I was their size, performing on that big stage. We may not have given a perfect performance, but it was an experience I will never forget,” said Gallegos.
While the “Dinner and a Show” performances were limited to Temple Intermediate students, guests from across the community attended.
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