2020 trends offer students more than entertainment

This image was made by Tahiti Salinas through Canva using Sketchify elements.

After a year loaded with downfalls, students reflected on the 2020 trends that helped them get through quarantine and a full semester of virtual learning.  

Among many trends the year brought on, including new hairstyles and a love for cooking for some, the social media app TikTok became comfort food for some of its users.

Daniel Ontiveros, a computer science major, said that going on TikTok helped him get through this year the most. 

With all the bad news and lack of hope everywhere in the world, Ontiveros found that TikTok “definitely helps you to have a laugh” and has brought some “fresh air” to his life.  

Ontiveros thought while being isolated, all the trends this year helped people keep their sanity.

Angelica Correa, a television and film major, shared the same feelings as Ontiveros mentioning TikTok “saved” her from boredom. Correa added that the app kept her entertained as she learned quick life hacks like how to take notes more effectively. 

Another trend that caught fire was drive-by celebrations in place of in-person gatherings. Many people around the world adopted this trend in order to celebrate those they love and still make a special day of it. 

Computer science major Ontiveros, a recent high school graduate, found drive-by celebrations to be a positive and creative experience for his friends and family. 

Even though he was not able to have an on-campus graduation ceremony at his high school, he was grateful for the family and friends that drove-by to celebrate.

Josue Abraham Ramos, a biology major, mentioned how drive-by birthdays were a fun addition to his 2020 since he felt like it showed “how people can be there for you in good or bad times.” 

While celebrations and Tik Tok served as a distraction, the 2020 national election brought attention to the state of the nation. Correa said she participated in getting the word out to encourage voting. 

Correa said many around her told her that voting doesn’t matter. She wanted to prove them wrong by spreading the word and voting in person.

“Many of my family members were first-time voters, including me, and it felt like I was making a change,” said Correa.

Since 2020 was a challenging year for some, it became easy for students to get hooked on a trend that stood out more to them this year due to the lack of social interaction.

Correa said that being quarantined made it easier for trends to happen during the year. “Trends have existed for a long time, but there’s so many now because of how much time we have spent at home [and] because we can’t see everyone on the daily,” added Correa.

Biology major Ramos felt that the trends that evolved during 2020 have something in common: “They all entertain or find a solution to the things we were used to doing before this pandemic.”