As the coronavirus response unfolds, seniors are concerned on whether they will be able to move their tassels from left to right. On Tuesday, William Covino, the school president, sent out a campus-wide...
Wednesday, Cal State LA was seemingly going to host sporting events without the presence of fans. However, the California Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA) announced that it is “suspending all intercollegiate...
Students’ concerns about whether refunds for parking permits would be issued, amid the new mandate for online classes, can be put at ease.
According to Cal State LA’s Parking Operations Manager...
Richard Tzul, News Managing Editor
• March 12, 2020
UPDATE: Thursday, March 12 @ 3:38pm
Cal State LA classes have been cancelled from March 16 to March 19. The cancellation period is intended to allow professors to transition to “alternative...
From products flying off the shelves to local families preparing to work or take classes remotely, coronavirus fears shook the Eastside.
Disinfectants, hand sanitizers, antibacterial wipes, water and...