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The student news site of California State University - Los Angeles

University Times

The student news site of California State University - Los Angeles

University Times

The student news site of California State University - Los Angeles

University Times

Photographs of the Los Angeles River on display for people to view at The L.A. River- The Past, the Present, and the Future exhibit last Wednesday in the University Library. Cal State L.A., 2019.

The River That Connects Us All

Joshua Letona, Contributing Writer April 16, 2019

The Los Angeles River connects all the cities, running from the Simi Hills through Los Angeles, and ending in Long Beach. Cal State LA hosted an art exhibit documenting the history of the waterway. “The...

Students begin gathering as the candles are lit to pay respect and honor rapper Nipsey Hussle last Thursday at the Golden Eagle Statue. Cal State L.A., 2019.

Long Live the Neighborhood Hero

Becky Nava, Staff Writer April 16, 2019

Last Thursday, dozens gathered around the Golden Eagle Statue to mourn local rapper and community activist, Nipsey Hussle. Hussle was fatally shot just two weeks ago outside of his store, The Marathon,...

Lola Salgado (left) organizer of the Cigarette Butt Clean Up event held at the US-U Plaza on March 27th, explaining what the event is and what she hopes it can accomplish for the school.

Pick Up Your Butts

Monica Tamayo, Staff Writer April 9, 2019

The Center for Student Involvement (CSI) hosted its second annual Cigarette Butt Cleanup on March 27 at the university. Students and other attendees participated by picking up cigarette butts around...

The final session includes a simulation for R.A.D. students to practice their techniques on. The male instructors dress in protective gear as the female students fight off their aggressors.

Equipping Women Through Self-Defense

Mya Taylor, Contributing Writer April 9, 2019

R.A.D., or Rape, Aggression, Defense, is a women’s self-defense program contracted by Cal State LA to offer a 12-hour-long seminar once a semester. The seminar is divided into two consecutive days on...

Cal State L.A. Housing Press Release render of what the new housing can look like.

A New Way to Dorm

Marissa Chavez, Digital Editor April 9, 2019

Starting fall 2021, Cal State LA will be home to 1,500 new beds in the first ever traditional style- student housing. However, the new eight story building, equipped with elevators, a courtyard and...

Danielle Mayan, member of the Golden Eagle Justice Coalition, celebrates the decision to approve the Resolution of No Confidence in President Covino at the end of the ASI special board meeting scheduled on Friday, March 29.

ASI Votes No Confidence in Covino

Marisa Vasquez, Managing Editor April 9, 2019

UPDATE: Tuesday, April 9 @ 6:38 p.m. On the Friday before spring break, the Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI) held a special meeting to vote on a single action item on the agenda: the Resolution...

Students, faculty, and community members chant "Change it!" in an attempt to derail the ASI Board meeting on Thursday, March 28.

Special Meeting Scheduled by ASI for Removal of President Covino

Marisa Vasquez, Managing Editor March 29, 2019

Students, faculty and community members associated with the on-campus coalition, Golden Eagle Justice, filled the public seats at the Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) Board Meeting on Thursday where...

quote from an audience member at the meeting

Impaction Talks Continue at ASI Board Meeting

Darwin Lopez, Contributing Writer March 19, 2019

Last Thursday at an ASI board meeting, Golden Eagle Justice presented Provost Mahoney with a petition containing “over a thousand signatures” that critique the job that President Covino, Provost Mahoney,...

Color throw at the Holi Festival in Los Angeles.

Color in the Air

Marissa Chavez, Digital Editor March 12, 2019

Thousands of LA residents celebrated the arrival of spring this past Saturday and Sunday by mirroring the Holi tradition of singing, dancing and throwing a mass of colors in the air. In North India,...

Make/Shift web logo

Alumni Highlight Intersectional Feminism

Becky Nava, Staff Writer March 12, 2019

On one of their many walks amidst the Griffith Park backdrop, former Cal State LA graduate student Stephanie Abraham and former director of the Cross Cultural Center, Daria Tudacufski, came up with the...

Picture of Cal State LA students helping with a beach cleanup.

Catch of the Day

Becky Nava, Staff Reporter March 5, 2019

Gnarled fragments of Wingstop containers, green Starbucks coffee stirrers and plastic car parts are just some of the keepsakes left over from the Associated Students Inc. (ASI) beach clean up this past...

Veterans aligned as they look out towards the horizon

University Recognized as a Military Friendly Institution

Monica Tamayo, Contributing Writer February 18, 2019

Cal State LA has recently been recognized as a military friendly institute for higher learning. This consideration was given to the Veterans Resource Center (VRC) by Military Friendly, a brand owned by...

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