Morning Necessities: Let’s get physical
Students having a hard time finding when to practice yoga should consider taking one of the many yoga classes offered each semester. During the 2022-2023 year, the class was listed as KIN 1079 in the course catalog. Graphic by Will Baker.
When getting out of bed and feeling lazy, it’s better to get moving immediately than to sit down and waste opportunities.
That can be said for most people, as around eight to 10 Americans exercise and approximately 50% of them are likely exercising in the morning, according to data by YouGov.
However, there are times when students tend to skip workout days due to a busy schedule.
Jessica Cortez, a sociology major, has said that most days she skips exercising primarily due to her work schedule and classes.
Even so, she tries to get a few minutes to an hour of exercise whenever she can to keep her healthy and moving.
“As a full-time worker and mom, I try my best to stay fit and work out as much as possible,” Cortez said. “But as a woman, I take breaks when it’s that time of the month.”
It’s beneficial to work out during menstruation, according to Healthline. Some of these benefits include: experiencing more strength and power, enhancing mood, and decreasing PMS symptoms.
The following are just a few exercises that can get people moving and are well-suited to tackle the day.
Running and jogging
Running is one of the fundamentals of a good workout and according to Nike, running in the morning has many benefits that will improve the body. Some examples of benefits include managing blood pressure levels and increasing mental focus and productivity.
Running or jogging helps with sleep since 30 minutes of aerobic exercise like running can help make a difference in sleep quality in the same night, according to Hopkins Medicine.
Cortez said that for running, she goes for around 1.5 miles of running.
Running long distances can help improve one’s heart health, according to Run to the Finish. Plus, it helps the muscle tissues grow in parts of the body that move the most, such as arms and legs.
Yoga is an exercise that originated in India more than 5,000 years ago, according to Yoga Basics.
Its goal is to build the mind, body, and spirit and reduce the stress people have. It is usually done either in the morning after waking up or after classes.
It’s common for many people to do yoga, around 300 million, according to the Good Body.
Different types of yoga poses help with lessening the stress on your muscles and may contribute to weight loss.
One of the poses that benefit the body is downward dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana.
This pose stretches the hamstring as well as the calf muscles in the backs of the legs. This pose can strengthen shoulder muscles and leg muscles. It also relieves tension from the neck and back, according to Boston University.
Another yoga pose that helps the body out is the bridge pose or Setu Bandha Sarvāṅgāsana.
This pose helps build the glutes and core strength and prevents back pain, according to Dr. Gary Soffer, an integrated medical specialist at Yale University, who spoke to Forbes Health, saying, “The stronger your core, the less work your back needs to do.”
The following yoga pose is a relatively simple one called Sukhasana. This pose requires you to sit down, cross your legs and have your eyes closed while your hands are on your lap.
This pose helps relieve stress and calm the mind of any bad thoughts or, if you’re having a rough day, eases your tension with the world.
It even helps reduce the knee and hip pain that one may have, and aligns the spine so that no stress can occur, according to Master Class.
These are just one of many poses you can do to help better yourself, whether to remove the pain of feeling sore or to increase flexibility.

Oscar Torres is the UT Community News digital Editor and is in his last semester of graduation with a major in journalism. Oscar is all about writing and...

Will Baker is in his final year of undergraduate at Cal State LA studying film production and minoring in entertainment marketing. He is the multimedia...